our kitchen.
the boy's bedroom. (the pic is bad because it was dark in there because he was napping)
shorty girl's room.
the kid's bathroom.
the office.........sorta....
the guest bedroom (we are missing a curtain.....it's around here somewhere.....)
the living room.
the toy room.
and there you have it. i didn't put any pics up of my room because it is in shambles still. the house is by no way finished or even near finished. i have stuff in places that i know i will move around. but, familu has requested picutres, so here it is. i think it looks much better in person, but i am biased..........
don't call me familu.
looks great though!
WOW!! Looks AWESOME and I would LOVE to play in that cool playroom!! Sooo glad I checked your blog to see these great pictures! Home sweet home!
It will feel like "home" soon. Your new home is beautiful. Yeah, the playroom looks like fun!
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