damn snap! it's been awhile since i have even looked at my blog, let alone posted on it! (over a year, but who's counting?) time has flown by and my little babies are rapidly turning into little adults! since the last time i posted, Shorty Girl is now in kinder and The Boy is in first grade, keeping his teacher on her toes. ;) they have the most amazing personalities and such wonderful qualities as human beings. they are coming into themselves, and i am so proud to be able to call them mine. we just celebrated Shorty Girl's 6th birthday. 6?!?!?!?! i can't believe it. it was a princess theme and it was a blast! we did have some nose bleeds, broken crowns and a few meltdowns, but it's a party, right? ;)

i love that pic of her. :)
hopefully i will be more consistent and actually blog more often! only time will tell....
Those are wonderful pictures, follow me please!
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