Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

whew! what a holiday season it has been! flying to Missouri for thanskgiving and then driving to Atlanta for christmas - i am all travelled out. we have all been battling colds again, but besides that it has been great!

we celebrated christmas here with our family (just the kunz klan) before we left fot atlanta. the kids were excited with all their new toys!

we had a uneventful drive to altanta, which was nice! we had great weather, and no traffic (other than houston, but that's a given). the kids were troopers with the long drive, thanks to our new dvd player for the car! while we were there, we went to the georgia aquarium and stone mountain park. the aquarium was HUGE!!! they had awesome exhibits, one that included 3 whale sharks!!!

the world of coke is on the same grounds as the aquarium and they had a huge christmas tree up (decorated wth coke bottles no less) in a big open field. the kids got to run around and play while my brother took some pictures.

so, there's part one. i have a bunch more pics to put up but blogger is being incredibly slow and i am pooped! stay tuned!


Kylene said...

Looks fun so far...the kids are getting so big!!