not much HAS been going on, but a lot is coming up! today is richrad's 35th birthday! (note to self: look for a younger model) haha. he is working today, but i have gathered some friends and family for a dinner at sea island. i HATE fish, but i figure if i don't let him eat at a fish restraunt at least once a year, he may leave me for the coast. seriously. i am in a tight running for his attention with the coast.
the boy is officially registered for pre-k. i have all his school supplies and his first day of school outfit all ready. i also have a box of kleenex just for me. boo hoo.......
his 4th birthday is also coming up! we are having a pool party since that has seemed to be the theme of this summer! he is totally excited about it and still carries around the invitation!
the same day as the boy's party is also the one year anniversary of shorty girl's adoption day! (or dadoption day as she calls it). so, at the boy's party she will also get a special cupcake of her own. i can't believe it has only been a year. i truly cannot remember life without her in it....( the pictures below are of her first few weeks home with us)
then school starts (for the boy) and work for me and my online classes. this semester should be interesting to see how i can fit in everything to our schedule.
in other not so exciting news:
*we signed up for a pest control service. with all the construction they are doing and the lack of rain, the spiders and cockroaches have taken up residence in my yard/house. after killing a spider the size of new york in my garage, i signed up. without asking richard. i am not into the bug squishing business.
*the kids are growing and learning and talking like pre-teens. i have found myself in the middle of an argument with shorty girl about eating yogurt and have to remember that i am, in fact, the parent. she is so freakin' smart and sometimes leaves me speechless with her rebuttals. the boy, who is still facinated with toy story, has decided that he IS buzz lightyear and must fly and/or jump everywhere. oh, and every sentence pretty much ends in the word "toot".
*i feel as if we are officially settled in our new house. i know where everything is and have even found some hiding places for christmas presents. the kids love being home, and even ask to come home if we have been out for awhile. i love the feeling of being HOME, and not just in a new house.
so, that's that. hopefully i will do better with the updates, but don't hold your breath... ;-)
WOW! The kids look so young in those pictures! I can't believe it's been a year she's been with y'all either! Very cool!!
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