Friday, June 05, 2009

Back to Happy Posting

we had a fun day today. we took the kids swimming at our pool. they are getting so brave! they both know how to plug their noses and go under water! last year they were both very timid to do so, but this year they are raring to go! they are learnign how to kick and (sorta) this time next year...michael phelps better watch out!

they truly are the sunshine of my life.

going under!

these really nice big kids let my kids play with their beach would have thought they had just been given all the candy in the world. i guess i need to make a trip to the dollar store for pool toys now.....

proof i was there! i am usually behind the camera...

a great way to start the summer.


KR said...

They look like they're having a WONDERFUL time :) What a great kickoff to summer! :)



Michelle Smiles said...

I love seeing kids in the pool - it just makes them so happy!

Kylene said...

I LOVE the first 2 pictures of you or someone holding up the kids with the sunshine in the background. Very cool! You need to blow those up and hang them in your house somewhere!